FW: COST action Phenomen-all update - summer school on Image analysis for Plant Phenotyping

Check out this interesting Summer School on Image Analysis for Plant Phenotyping @WUR! Kind regards, Jakub From: "Zedde, Rick van de" <rick.vandezedde@wur.nl> Date: Monday, April 3, 2017 at 9:07 PM To: "Sebastien Carpentier (sebastien.carpentier@kuleuven.be)" <sebastien.carpentier@kuleuven.be> Subject: COST action Phenomen-all update - summer school on Image analysis for and Plant Phenotyping Dear participants of the Phenomen-all COST action meeting, As announced during our inspiring days in Portugal last week; We are organizing this summer school on Image analyse for Plant Phenotyping again on the 10-14th of July 2017. In our Portugal COST action meeting we decided that we can reimburse 10 early career scientist for this summer school, so if you have candidates, forward this message and please let them register using this link<http://www.wur.nl/en/Education-Programmes/wageningen-academy-1/show/Summer-S...>. A brief summary of last year is added below and check also our new PhenomicsNL<https://www.linkedin.com/hp/update/6250210353351925760> artist impression. Kind regards, Rick van de Zedde Senior researcher/ Business developer Phenomics & Automation [ttps://www.intranet.wur.nl/nl/home/news/PublishingImages/WUR_logo_1000px.jpg] Wageningen Plant Research P.O.Box 16 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands Visiting Address: Wageningen Campus, Building 107 Droevendaalsesteeg 1 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands • +31 (0)317 480156 • rick.vandezedde@wur.nl <mailto:gerhard.deruiter@wur.nl%0b>" www.wur.nl<http://www.wur.nl/> / www.agrofoodrobotics.nl<http://www.agrofoodrobotics.nl/> / www.phenomics.nl<http://www.phenomics.nl/> " www.wageningenur.nl/en/location/Axis.htm<http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/location/Axis.htm> " www.disclaimer-uk.wur.nl<http://www.disclaimer-uk.wur.nl/> [iew my profile on LinkedIn] <http://nl.linkedin.com/in/vandezedde> From: Zedde, Rick van de Sent: donderdag 24 november 2016 14:19 To: Sebastien Carpentier (sebastien.carpentier@kuleuven.be) Subject: COST action Phenomen-all update - summer school on Image analysis for and Plant Phenotyping Dear management member<http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fa/FA1306?management> of the COST action Phenomen-ALL<http://phenomen-all.eu/>, The aim of this short e-mail is to update you and inspire you with a summary of our COST action summer school on Imaging in July in Wageningen. I’ve also attached slides that any of you can use to promote our COST action and the upcoming event in Portugal. The fully booked Summer School Plant Phenotyping took place from 12 till 15 July. This year for the first time at the Wageningen UR campus. 45 participants participated in this special program organized together by The Centre for Plant Integrative Biology (CPIB) from the university of Nottingham and Wageningen UR. The diverse group of participants (22 nationalities and half from industry) learned in four days everything about the latest imaging techniques in plant phenotyping. The participants from industry were for instance from breeding companies like Enza Zaden, Bayer, Anthura, RijkZwaan and from other relevant stake holders for our COST action. During the course we took plenty of time for practical experiments, questions, discussions and social interaction with the teachers from Wageningen UR, Nottingham, guest speakers and sponsors (PhenoSpex<http://phenospex.com/>, LemnaTec<http://www.lemnatec.com/>, PSI<http://www.psi.cz/>, Avantes<http://www.avantes.com/>, DataVision<http://batenburg-mechatronica.nl/datavision>, SpectraPartners<http://www.spectrapartners.nl/>, Syngenta<http://www4.syngenta.com/>, Pixelteq<http://pixelteq.com/>). In these demos and the guided tour we focussed on the applied end-use of imaging in phenotyping with example of public-private partnership outcome with industry. The summer school will be organized again 10-14 of July 2017: http://www.wur.nl/en/activity/Summer-school-on-image-analysis-for-plant-phen... So if you/ colleagues are interested, please sign up for this event. [ttp://www.wur.nl/upload_mm/b/a/4/7e6d6534-4e8d-4d3a-ab17-690ea8078e7b_summerschool_plant_phenotyping_201] Kind regards, Rick van de Zedde, Gerrit Polder, Tony Pridmore and many others. (PS : all 88 your e-mail addresses are in BCC) -- Rick van de Zedde Senior researcher / business developer Computer Vision Wageningen Food & Biobased Research Wageningen Campus, building 118 Bornse Weilanden 9 6708 WG Wageningen The Netherlands T: +31 (0)317 480156 E rick.vandezedde@wur.nl <mailto:rick.vandezedde@wur.nl> I www.agrofoodrobotics.nl<http://www.agrofoodrobotics.nl> More info about Food & Biobased Research on www.wur.nl/fbr <http://www.wur.nl/fbr%20> Our disclaimer: http://www.disclaimer-uk.wur.nl<http://www.disclaimer-uk.wur.nl/> [iew my profile on LinkedIn]<http://nl.linkedin.com/in/vandezedde>
participants (1)