FW: Question, Job offer: Post-Graduate Position

Open Post-Graduate Position in Physiological and Biochemical responses to drought stress at the BFW (https://www.bfw.gv.at/ ) in Schönbrunn/Vienna. This project is also associated with our new HT plant phenotyping infrastructure PHENOPlant! Details see attachment. Best, Jakub. From: Vanloo Marcela <marcela.vanloo@bfw.gv.at> Date: Thursday, 26. August 2021 at 02:57 To: Jez,Jakub <jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at> Cc: Trujillo-Moya Carlos <carlos.trujillo-moya@bfw.gv.at> Subject: WG: Question, Job offer: Post-Graduate Position Dear Jakub! We are offering a new job opportunity: Post-Graduate Position in Physiological and Biochemical responses to drought stress associated also to the PHENOPlant. Could you spread the word and when possible to post it on Biocenter "job offers"? Thank you very much. ? Yours sincerely,? Marcela ************************************************************************* Dr. Marcela van Loo Bundesforschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum für Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft (BFW) Federal Research Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW) Institut für Waldbau, Waldwachstum und Genetik / Department of Forest Growth, Silviculture and Genetics Abteilung für Herkunftsforschung und Züchtung / Unit of Provenance Research and Breeding A-1130 Wien, Seckendorff-Gudent-Weg 8, Austria Tel: +43 / 1 / 87838 / 1349 E-mail: marcela.vanloo@bfw.gv.at URL: http://bfw.ac.at<http://bfw.ac.at/> **************************************************************************
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