Dear all,

In parallel to our currently running large-scale FFG pilot experiment, we have some free capacities in the small sample loop to run parallel small-scale experiments.

So, if you are interested in phenotyping your plants (small-scale, preliminary experiment, proof of concept style), please drop me a mail.


PHENOPlant can deal with various sample types:

from multi-well plates (6, 12 and 24well) via Arabidopsis up to tall (crop) plants (max plant height 70cm).


Available sensors:

More info:

Questions are welcome.


First come first surf 🤙


Best regards, Jakub.


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Jakub Jez
Head, Plant Sciences Facility
T +43 1 7962324 7090
M +43 664 8084 77090

Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities GmbH
Dr. Bohr-Gasse
1030 Vienna


Chair, Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN) and Support Group Member of ESFRI EMPHASIS project


Twitter: @VBCF_PlantS



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FFG PHENOPlant: Austrias 1st multi-sensor, high-throughput plant phenotyping infrastructure launching 2021!