Dear All,

in addition to the VBCF tests sent by Jakub the other day (many thanks!) we also have some interesting additions to make. Please refer to the attached pptx.

As you will see, when using the soil from Gramoflor without any additional fertiliser but with fluorescent tubes, plants are perfectly fine during their life-time.
The same soil, without fertiliser, leads to severe stress symptoms under LED lights.
It is important to note, that plants grown on this non-fertilised soil and fluorescent tubes but exposed to stray light from LEDs develop stress symptoms (not so severe as under direct LED light, but still). This latter point also helps to straighten some ambiguity with respect to some earlier tests made with fluorescent tubes.

In this sense, we need to consider two stress factors: light emitted by the LED lamps and sub-optimal soil.

The pptx also contains some pictures testing the former ED63 soil and taller pots.

We will now evaluate if the "double saved plants” (fertilised soil and fluorescent tubes) perform better for us (meiosis!) than the “single saved plants” (fertilised soil and LEDs).

Best regards,

p.s.: have a great season break and a smooth transition to 2020!