Dear APPN member, dear friends, First, I do deeply apologize for the long break of APPN activities and communication. This was mainly caused by the super busy times constructing an implementing PHENOPlant (high-throughput plant phenotyping infrastructure), COVID and my paternity leave. I would like to share with you some more or less important news and updates: 1. I would like to point your attention to a great opportunity to get FUNDED/FREE ACCESS to PHENOPlant phenotyping service (and many other services!) via the EU AgroServ project. The call (pre-submission phase) was just launched yesterday in the framework of the first AgroServ conference and will close 22nd September. Webpage (still under construction): https://agroserv.eu/ Please note for your potential application that crossdisciplinarity is key for a successful evaluation! Your project should involve at least two Agroserv partner (ERICS). The more the better. PHENOPlant would be covered by the EuroBioImaging ERIC (as Austria is still not full EMPHASIS member, see below). Please let me know in case of interest and I will keep you in the loop. 1. There is some progress in the EU ESFRI EMPHASIS project. We are in very good and constructive discussions with the ministry. Currently Austria hasn’t joined the EMPHASIS project officially; we have a so called “observatory country status”. We are working hard towards Austria’s full membership to allow you to profit from the EMPHASIS services: https://emphasis.plant-phenotyping.eu/ 1. Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald (BFW) has recently joined the APPN board. Welcome! The full member list and the representatives from your Organization can be found here: https://appn.at/about/ 1. Here is a short video of PHENOPlant in action taken during the EU UNTWIST project (AIT, Jonak): https://youtu.be/rjt-_PZMkvc 1. The next APPN Meeting in in planning for the end of this year/beginning of next year. 6. I would like to remind you that the APPN member mailing list (300+ APPN member) is also available to you; to share your news, open positions, collaboration requests, open call announcements, events etc. : APPN community appn@lists.vbcf.ac.at<mailto:appn@lists.vbcf.ac.at> Let me know in case of any questions, wishes, complains. Have a great day, best, Jakub. [VBC Logo] Jakub Jez Head, Plant Sciences Facility T +43 1 7962324 7090<tel:+43179623247090> M +43 664 8084 77090<tel:+43%20664%208084%2077090> jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at<mailto:jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at> Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities GmbH Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3 1030 Vienna Austria www.vbcf.ac.at<https://www.vbcf.ac.at> Chair, Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN<https://www.appn.at/>) and Support Group Member of ESFRI EMPHASIS<https://emphasis.plant-phenotyping.eu/> project Twitter: @VBCF_PlantS<https://twitter.com/VBCF_PlantS> LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jezjakub<http://www.linkedin.com/in/jezjakub> [A picture containing text, indoor, wall Description automatically generated] FFG PHENOPlant<https://www.viennabiocenter.org/vbcf/plant-sciences/phenoplant/>: Austrias 1st multi-sensor, high-throughput plant phenotyping infrastructure.