Dear friends, This is a reminder and a call for submission of abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations. The deadline for abstract submission is next Monday 13. Feb. 2017. If case you want to join APPN and attend the meeting please note that the online registration is mandatory! It is required for the planning of the catering, fulfilling the requirements of the Interreg project etc. Access to the meeting, coffee breaks and lunch will only be possible with a badge! Looking forward to seeing you! Kind regards, Jakub Subject: 1st Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN) Meeting invitation Dear colleagues, It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 1st Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN<http://www.appn.at/>) Meeting which will take place on the 10th March 2017 at the Vienna Biocenter, IMP Lecture Hall. The APPN initiative aims to unite the Austrian plant phenotyping community in order to facilitate research collaborations, development of plant phenotyping infrastructure and methodologies, staff training, staff exchange and networking activities. The first meeting will give you the unique opportunity to present and discuss your research in a highly multidisciplinary environment. We intend to bring together biologists, breeders, technology developer, imaging experts, statisticians and bioinformaticians. The APPN community will also serve as a national node for the EMPHASIS project which is on the roadmap of ESFRI (European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructure). EMPHASIS stands for “European Multi-Environment Plant Phenotyping and Simulation Infrastructure” and aims to develop and implement a pan-European plant phenotyping infrastructure and enable access to these platforms (http://emphasis.plant-phenotyping.eu). Our guest speaker, coordinator of EMPHASIS Ulrich Schurr (FZ Jülich), will give a presentation on EMPHASIS and will be available for discussions. The keynote lecture will be given by Magnus Nordborg, Scientific Director of the Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI) followed by a science session which will include selected talks and a poster session. The afternoon will focus on plant phenotyping technology and give you an overview and update on latest technology developments by leading companies (LemnaTec, Phenospex and PSI). Key dates: Registration: www.appn.at<http://www.appn.at> Abstract submission: 13 Feb 17 Notification: 17 Feb 17 Registration: 24 Feb 17 Furthermore, the first meeting will take part in the framework of the RIAT-CZ Interreg AT-CZ project what will give us the opportunity to meet our Czech cross-border colleagues from CEITEC, the Masaryk University, the Brno University of Technology VUT etc. If you want to join the APPN community and receive news on the latest technology developments, events, grant opportunities etc. we kindly invite you to subscribe to the APPN mailing list by using the following Link: http://www.vbcf.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/appn Attached to this email please find the meeting flyer for publishing. Please help us to spread the news! We are very much looking forward to receive your abstract and meeting you at the Vienna Biocenter! Kind regards, Jakub Jez & the organizing committee -- Jakub Jeż Head, Plant Sciences Facility [cid:image001.png@01D282C8.BA80D0C0] VIENNA BIOCENTER CORE FACILITIES GmbH Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3 | 1030 Vienna | Austria VBC 2 | Plaza Floor | room PG-3 phone: +43 1 796 2324 7090 mobile: +43 664 8084 7 7090 e-mail: jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at<mailto:jakub.jez@csf.ac.at> web: www.vbcf.ac.at<http://www.csf.ac.at/> www.vbcf.ac.at/plants<http://www.csf.ac.at/plants> Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network – APPN www.appn.at<http://www.appn.at> COST FA1306 “The quest for tolerant varieties - Phenotyping at plant and cellular level” http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fa/Actions/FA1306 http://www.plant-phenotyping.org/home_costfa1306