Dear all,
I would like to inform you that Jolanta Ambroz-Kumorowski left the VBCF and is no longer responsible for the VBCF phytotrons located at the MPL.
@Auer,Anneliese will take over
Jolanta’s duties and responsibilities.
The MPL cleaning company (Kling Wagenhofer) will take care of the dirty trays.
This task will take place at a very early time of the day (at least for me) thus not interfering with your soil work and pot preparations.
Please continue contacting us via
Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any questions, comments or complains.
Best regards, Jakub.
Jakub Jez |
Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities GmbH |
Chair, Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN) and Support Group
Member of ESFRI EMPHASIS project
PHENOPlant: Austrias 1st multi-sensor, high-throughput plant phenotyping infrastructure launching 2021!