Dear APPN Friends! The time has come for a major change! Time, to start following and fulfilling my lifelong dreams about the oceans, marine ecosystems and scuba diving. I want to inform you that I terminated my working contract with the VBCF but will remain available until the end of this year. I do believe that my job at the VBCF and for the APPN is completed. PHENOPlant is fully operational and in service. The process of Austria joining the EU ESFRI EMPHASIS project is on a very good way and, currently, in the hands of the ministry. Thank you for all your valuable contributions which made APPN successful! It weas a great honor and pleasure to work with and learn from you. Every change creates opportunities: We are looking for my successor to lead my amazing team and collect all the scientific fruits of #PHENOPlant! https://www.viennabiocenter.org/fileadmin/user_upload/VBC/Career/Jobs/VBCF_P... https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jezjakub_phenoplant-activity-7262764759324782... Please like, share and apply! Further important plant phenotyping news: * The 3rd EU AgroServ call for transnational access (TNA) to EU agroecology research infrastructures is open: https://agroserv.eu/calls-and-applications/application-procedure Catalogue of Services/RIs: https://catalog.isia.cnrs.fr/catalog/2/services PHENOPlant: https://catalog.isia.cnrs.fr/catalog/2/services/240 Please note that PHENOPlant can be accessed also by Austrian universities/organizations/industry. The transnational approach doesn’t apply for ERICS. * EU ESFRI EMPHASIS ERIC Step 1 application was sent to the European Commission on October 31st. * BOKU seminar on “Shoot and root phenotyping – unexpected journey”, by Markéta Pernisová Ph.D. (PI, Faculty of Science, CEITEC). Thursday 28. November 2024 at 11.00 in the seminar room of Institute of Forest Ecology/BOKU. Seminar room: 02/10, Wilhelm-Exner-Haus, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien Host: Dr. Katarzyna Retzer I wish you all the best for your projects and future goals! Best regards, Jakub. P.S: Let’s stay in touch via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jezjakub/