Dear all,
as usual, @Helfenbein,Paula<> will take over Anneliese’s duties and tasks (phytotrons and GMI glasshouse) for entire August.
This time, Paula is available daily from 9am to 5pm (+/- 1h).
You can contact Paula on teams, vie mail or in person (PlantS office: room 283, 2nd floor, VBC6 (old IMP)).
I have added Paula’s photo to this mail.
Request should be still sent to: plants(a)<>
Best, Jakub.
[VBC Logo]
Jakub Jez
Head, Plant Sciences Facility
T +43 1 7962324 7090<tel:+43179623247090>
M +43 664 8084 77090<tel:+43%20664%208084%2077090>
Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities GmbH
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3
1030 Vienna
Chair, Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN<>) and Support Group Member of ESFRI EMPHASIS<> project
Twitter: @VBCF_PlantS<>
[A picture containing text, indoor, wall Description automatically generated]
FFG PHENOPlant<>: Austrias 1st multi-sensor, high-throughput plant phenotyping infrastructure.
Dear all,
We will open for you the doors of PHENOPlant next Tue, 29th between 9-5pm!
Take a walk through the VBC forest (Norway spruce, black pine and oak trees) and get insights to modern, high-throughput plant phenotyping technologies incl. PAM chlorophyl fluorescence imaging, thermal imaging, 3D scanning, and hyperspectral imaging (FFG #PHENOPlant).
Currently we are running another interesting tree drought-stress experiment project together with the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW):……
Simply drop by anytime between 9-5, the VBCF PlantS team will be around to guide you and answer your questions.
Have a great weekend and see you next Tuesday at #PHENOPlant!
Yours, VBCF PlantS team
P.S: Yes, there will also be beer.
[VBC Logo]
Jakub Jez
Head, Plant Sciences Facility
T +43 1 7962324 7090<tel:+43179623247090>
M +43 664 8084 77090<tel:+43%20664%208084%2077090>
Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities GmbH
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3
1030 Vienna
Chair, Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN<>) and Support Group Member of ESFRI EMPHASIS<> project
Twitter: @VBCF_PlantS<>
[A picture containing text, indoor, wall Description automatically generated]
FFG PHENOPlant<>: Austrias 1st multi-sensor, high-throughput plant phenotyping infrastructure.
Dear all,
the colling system of phytotron #21 broke yesterday evening casuing a temperature increase up to 25,4C.
Hopefully, this hardware issue can be fixed today afternoon.
For the meantime, and for the case this issue can’t be fixed in reasonable time, your plants will be moved down the corridor to phytotron #18, which will be set to identical environmental conditions as #21.
We will keep you posted.
Best, Jakub.
[VBC Logo]
Jakub Jez
Head, Plant Sciences Facility
T +43 1 7962324 7090<tel:+43179623247090>
M +43 664 8084 77090<tel:+43%20664%208084%2077090>
Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities GmbH
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3
1030 Vienna
Chair, Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN<>) and Support Group Member of ESFRI EMPHASIS<> project
Twitter: @VBCF_PlantS<>
[A picture containing text, indoor, wall Description automatically generated]
FFG PHENOPlant<>: Austrias 1st multi-sensor, high-throughput plant phenotyping infrastructure.