3rd APPN meeting - Field Phenotyping and Remote Sensing, 13th June, BOKU, Vienna, AT

Dear friends, It is our pleasure to invite you to the 3rd Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN) Conference featuring “Field Phenotyping and Remote Sensing”. Last year we put emphasis on root phenotyping (https://www.appn.at/2ndappn_eppn2020-2/); this year the main focus will be (although not exclusively) on field phenotyping and “big” data. Other plant phenotyping topics (controlled environments, root phenotyping and others) will be covered by the respective sessions based on the received abstracts. The meeting will take place on June 13, 2019 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, AT. (Free) registration open: https://www.appn.at/3rdappn/ Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order): Opening speech: Christian Obinger, Vice Rector for Research, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Clement Atzberger, Head of Institute for Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and GreenSense GmbH, AT “Determining crop traits through multi-spectral data” Helge Aasen, ETH Zürich, Dep. of Environmental System Science, CH “Low-altitude / high-resolution remote sensing for field-phenotyping” Ittai Herrmann, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, R.H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, IL “Field crops phenotyping (disease, water status and yield) by spectral remote and proximal sensing” Jan F. Humplík, Palacky University Olomouc, CZ “Field plant phenotyping using UAV LiDAR system: current state and first experiences.” Pieter Clauw, Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI), AT “Combining growth chamber simulations and field experiments to tackle temperature adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana” Please feel free to share & spread the word! Looking very much forward to meeting you, Gernot Bodner, Boris Rewald (local organizers) & Jakub Jez [signature_381824586]<http://www.appn.at/>

On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 12:55 PM Jez,Jakub <jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at> wrote:
Dear friends,
It is our pleasure to invite you to the *3rd Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN) Conference* featuring *“Field Phenotyping and Remote Sensing”*.
Last year we put emphasis on root phenotyping ( https://www.appn.at/2ndappn_eppn2020-2/); this year the main focus will be (although not exclusively) on field phenotyping and “big” data.
Other plant phenotyping topics (controlled environments, root phenotyping and others) will be covered by the respective sessions based on the received abstracts.
The meeting will take place on *June 13, 2019* at the *University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, AT*.
*(Free) registration open: *https://www.appn.at/3rdappn/
*Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order):*
Opening speech:
*Christian Obinger*, Vice Rector for Research, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
*Clement Atzberger*, Head of Institute for Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and GreenSense GmbH, AT
* “Determining crop traits through multi-spectral data”*
*Helge Aasen,* ETH Zürich, Dep. of Environmental System Science, CH
* “Low-altitude / high-resolution remote sensing for field-phenotyping”*
*Ittai Herrmann,* The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, R.H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, IL
* “Field crops phenotyping (disease, water status and yield) by spectral remote and proximal sensing”*
*Jan F. Humplík,* Palacky University Olomouc, CZ
* “Field plant phenotyping using UAV LiDAR system: current state and first experiences.”*
*Pieter Clauw*, Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI), AT
* “Combining growth chamber simulations and field experiments to tackle temperature adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana”*
Please feel free to share & spread the word!
Looking very much forward to meeting you,
Gernot Bodner, Boris Rewald (local organizers) & Jakub Jez
[image: signature_381824586] <http://www.appn.at/>
_______________________________________________ APPN mailing list APPN@lists.vbcf.ac.at https://www.vbcf.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/appn

Dear friends, The abstract submission deadline for the 3rd APPN Meeting at the BOKU is approaching! If you want to learn about drones and satellites in agriculture, hyperspectral imaging, LiDAR, machine- and deep learning in plant sciences register here: (Free) registration: https://www.appn.at/3rdappn/ Confirmed speaker: Opening speech: Christian Obinger, Vice Rector for Research, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Hermann Bürstmayr, Head Institute of Biotechnology in Plant Production, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) “Future challenges for Austrian plant breeding and opportunities from modern phenotyping approaches” Clement Atzberger, Head of Institute for Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and GreenSense GmbH, AT “Determining crop traits through multi-spectral data” Ethan Stewart, Gore Lab, Dep. of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Cornell University, US “The application of a deep learning approach for quantitative disease phenotyping in UAV images” Helge Aasen, ETH Zürich, Dep. of Environmental System Science, CH “Low-altitude / high-resolution remote sensing for field-phenotyping” Ittai Herrmann, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, R.H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, IL “Field crops phenotyping (disease, water status and yield) by spectral remote and proximal sensing” Jan F Humplík, Spichal Lab, Palacky University Olomouc, CZ “Field plant phenotyping using UAV LiDAR system: current state and first experiences.” Pieter Clauw, Nordborg Lab, Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI), AT “Combining growth chamber simulations and field experiments to tackle temperature adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana” Looking forward to meeting you. Best wishes, Jakub [VBC Logo] Jakub Jez Head, Plant Sciences Facility T +43 1 7962324 7090<tel:+43179623247090> M +43 664 8084 77090<tel:+43%20664%208084%2077090> jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at<mailto:jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at> Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities GmbH Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3 1030 Vienna Austria www.vbcf.ac.at<https://www.vbcf.ac.at> Chair, Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN<https://www.appn.at/>) and Support Group Member of ESFRI EMPHASIS<https://emphasis.plant-phenotyping.eu/> project Twitter: @VBCF_PlantS<https://twitter.com/VBCF_PlantS> LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jezjakub<http://www.linkedin.com/in/jezjakub> From: Jakub Jez <jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at> Date: Monday, March 25, 2019 at 11:52 AM To: APPN community <appn@lists.vbcf.ac.at> Subject: 3rd APPN meeting - Field Phenotyping and Remote Sensing, 13th June, BOKU, Vienna, AT Dear friends, It is our pleasure to invite you to the 3rd Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN) Conference featuring “Field Phenotyping and Remote Sensing”. Last year we put emphasis on root phenotyping (https://www.appn.at/2ndappn_eppn2020-2/); this year the main focus will be (although not exclusively) on field phenotyping and “big” data. Other plant phenotyping topics (controlled environments, root phenotyping and others) will be covered by the respective sessions based on the received abstracts. The meeting will take place on June 13, 2019 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, AT. (Free) registration open: https://www.appn.at/3rdappn/ Please feel free to share & spread the word! Looking very much forward to meeting you, Gernot Bodner, Boris Rewald (local organizers) & Jakub Jez
participants (2)
Ittai Herrmann