To give a way: fluorescent tubes light panels for plant growth

Dear APPN community, Since we have upgraded our phytotrons with LED lights, there are plenty of old light panels available. In case you are interested in taking some (preferentially all of them :) please drop me a short message asap – by Thursday latest. Alu case, 1580x600x75 mm, 2, 4 or 6 fluorescent tubes. Foto attached to this mail. Sorry for the spam and crossposting. Best, Jakub -- Jakub Jeż Head, Plant Sciences Facility [cid:image001.png@01D33C34.13393AC0] VIENNA BIOCENTER CORE FACILITIES GmbH Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3 | 1030 Vienna | Austria VBC 2 | Plaza Floor | room PG-3 phone: +43 1 796 2324 7090 mobile: +43 664 8084 7 7090 e-mail:<> web:<><> Twitter: @VBCF_PlantS<> Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network – APPN<> COST FA1306 “The quest for tolerant varieties - Phenotyping at plant and cellular level”<>
participants (1)