6th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium IPPS2019 - registration is open

Dear friends, The registration for the 6th international Plant Phenotyping Symposium (bi-annual) is open! Join the symposium - 22-26th of October: https://www.plant-phenotyping.org/ipps_home Within the 6th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium we will address the recent development in plant phenotyping and provide a platfrom for discussion and exchange: * from technology: discussing the latest and future technological and sensor developments in plant phenotyping including cost effective applications. * to data: addressing the latest developments that will enable the reusability of data from acquisition to to management and reuse and modelling. * to impact: outlining the success stories in plant phenotyping leading improved plant production. Apply for participation at the training school - 17-21st of October: https://ipps2019.plant-phenotyping.org/program_training_school On behalf of the IPPN<https://www.plant-phenotyping.org/> [https://www.plant-phenotyping.org/lw_resource/datapool/systemfiles/elements/...] [VBC Logo] Jakub Jez Head, Plant Sciences Facility T +43 1 7962324 7090<tel:+43179623247090> M +43 664 8084 77090<tel:+43%20664%208084%2077090> jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at<mailto:jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at> Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities GmbH Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3 1030 Vienna Austria www.vbcf.ac.at<https://www.vbcf.ac.at> Chair, Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN<https://www.appn.at/>) and Support Group Member of ESFRI EMPHASIS<https://emphasis.plant-phenotyping.eu/> project Twitter: @VBCF_PlantS<https://twitter.com/VBCF_PlantS> LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jezjakub<http://www.linkedin.com/in/jezjakub>
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