Events: Biometrics Eucarpia - Workshop on Computer Vision Problems - Wheat phenotyping workshop - 10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting

1. High-throughput wheat phenotyping workshop OPEN FOR REGISTRATION The programme and the registration form for the training course on high-throughput wheat phenotyping is published on the Wheat Initiative website: The workshop will take place at the Cosmopolitan Hotel Bologna (Italy), on the 17-18 September 2018. Note the registration deadline: 15 June 2018 1. 10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting It is our great pleasure to announce the 10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting, which will be held under the title “10 years of life, science and molecules” - from September 17-20, 2018 in Vienna, Austria. This meeting – the largest Life Science meeting in Austria - will be a unique occasion, connecting students and scientists, academic researchers and industrial representatives as well. The active and successful life sciences scene in Austria shall become visible by presentations in form of talks and posters, for which abstracts are kindly requested. PhD students are particularly invited to showcase their work and take the opportunity to start building their professional networks. Abstracts for scientific contributions are kindly requested from academia and industry. To underline the fruitful diversity of research topics and locations and to celebrate the successful cohesion of our scene - 10 years now under the umbrella of ÖGMBT - special care has been taken to involve session chairs from different institutions spread over all Austria. Chairs from the Universities of basic and applied sciences, research institutes, startup companies and large pharma corporations will strive to present an extraordinary scientific program, covering three streams: Biotechnology and molecular biology Cancer and human disease Medical microbiology and immunology In addition to the main program, the Biophysics Austria Annual Meeting will be held as satellite meeting and career talks will be organized by ÖGMBT YLSA (Young Life Scientists Austria) on September 17th Ample time is planned for science, but networking and occasions to connect are an integral part of our event. Among other possibilities “Wine & Science” shall be highlighted. Our corporate sponsors traditionally invite all attendees to enjoy wine and cheese (prime biotech products, of course) and chat in an informal atmosphere. 1. Workshop on Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping BMVC 2018 Workshop on Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP 2018) September 6, 2018, Newcastle, UK Call for Papers Submission due (full paper or 1 page abstract): 06 July 2018 Notification of acceptance: 17 July 2018 Camera-ready (full papers only): TBD Workshop date: 06 Sept 2018 After the successful CVPPP workshops at ECCV 2014, BMVC 2015, and ICCV 2017, CVPPP this year returns to BMVC. The goal of this fourth workshop is to continue to showcase the challenges raised by and extend the state of the art in computer vision for plant phenotyping. Plant phenotyping is the identification of effects on plant structure and function (the phenotype) resulting from genotypic differences (i.e., differences in the genetic code) and the environmental conditions a plant has been exposed to. Knowledge of plant phenotypes is a key ingredient of the knowledge-based bioeconomy, which not only literally helps to feed the world, but is also essential for feed, fibre and fuel production. We want to identify key but unsolved problems, expose the current state-of-the-art, and broaden the field and the community. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * advances in segmentation, tracking, detection, reconstruction and identification methods that address unsolved plant phenotyping scenarios * open source implementation, comparison and discussion of existing methods and annotation tools * image data sets defining plant phenotyping challenges, complete with annotations if appropriate, accompanied with benchmark methods if possible, and suitable evaluation methods. Compare e.g. the Plant Leaf Segmentation Challenge (LSC), which spawned from earlier CVPPPs and is meanwhile hosted at CodaLab ( as permanent competition. We welcome both * full papers [will appear in the BMVC online proceedings] and * one page abstracts [will appear on the CVPPP website, but not in the BMVC proceedings]. Further information about the workshop, author instructions, submission guidelines, and the challenge are available at: We are looking forward to inspiring solutions for automated plant phenotyping applications! Workshop Organizers: * Tony Pridmore (University of Nottingham, UK),<> * Sotirios A. Tsaftaris (University of Edinburgh, UK),<> * Hanno Scharr (Forschungszentrum J¸lich, Germany),<> 1. Biometrics Eucarpia Conference in Ghent on 3-5 September 2018 Extended abstract submission for the Biometrics Eucarpia Conference in Ghent on 3-5 September 2018:<> Please note the EMPHASIS Field Phenomics workshop, on the 6th of September as a satellite of the Biometrics Eucarpia Conference: Best regards, [/Users/jakub.jez/Library/Containers/]<>
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